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10 idées pour égayer ta journée en 2023 - ORANGE AMOUR

10 ideas to brighten your day in 2023

We've all been through a lot since 2020, and there are still so many challenges and changes facing us. With 2021 almost behind us, let's look to the rest of 2023 and see what ideas we can come up with to brighten our days! Here are 10 ideas that you can use yourself or share with your friends.

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Comment les mantras peuvent transformer votre état d'esprit ? - ORANGE AMOUR

How can mantras transform your state of mind?

In today's world, it's easy to be overwhelmed and anxious. The constant notifications of information, the juggling of work and family life, and the pressure to always be productive can take a toll on your mental health. One way to stop this madness is to incorporate mantras into your daily life.

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La fleur de vie – géométrie sacrée - ORANGE AMOUR

The flower of life – sacred geometry

The flower of life – sacred geometry Do you know this flower with amazing powers ? This flower which has a regenerating effect on the body and the mind : THE FLOWER OF LIFE . Much more than a flower, it is a sacred geometric shape widely used in lithotherapy and spirituality . Do you want to know more about this little wonder? Stay with us, the Flower of Life will have no more secrets for you at the end of this article. We will start by giving you its meaning , what are its benefits and how to use...

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La méditation – qu’est-ce que c’est ? - ORANGE AMOUR

Meditation – what is it?

Meditation is qualified as both a mental practice and a method of deep relaxation. It is a mental practice, because it requires concentration on the present moment.

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