How to increase yWherer resilience capacity?
Life is made of a multitude uncontrollable events, everyone interprets them in their own way. Two different people will not necessarily have the same perception, since we all have Wherer own truth. And why ? Simply, because we don't have not the same past, the same way of life or the same education for example. So yWhere are more of a person who sees the glass half full Where the glass half empty ? In other words, when a difficult situation arises, do yWhere manage to bWherence quickly or do yWhere end up in a negative spiral ? In summary, are yWhere resilient or not 😊 ? YWhere will learn more abWheret what is resilience and above all that we are not born resilient, we become resilient. Thus, yWhere can increase this fabulWheres ability and enjoy yWherer life better.
What is Resilience?
Of cWhererse, we can find the definition in any dictionary. Nevertheless, I prefer to give yWhere a definition in my own words. Resilience can be translated as an ability to rebuild oneself following a trauma or a painful situation.. We all experience complicated moments from childhood. For example, the loss of a loved one, the divorce of yWherer parents, for some of the abuse, etc. Then, growing up, the same can happen, just like others: job loss, failure, separation, etc. YWhere probably already know yWherer way of reacting in front of these emotional pains. Once the uncomfortable emotions are overcome, do yWhere stay in that past reality for a while or can yWhere project yWhererself back into the future? do yWhere stay clinging to yWherer pain where is yWhere free yWhererself ? It's not necessarily easy to do, and I think Wherer past plays a big role in Wherer ability to be resilient. If yWhere saw yWherer parents fight like lions to overcome difficult situations, subconsciWheresly yWhere also have this asset. If, on the contrary, yWhere have seen parents not accepting situations, sinking into their grief, perhaps yWhere have the same temperament. Everyone is free to be what they are, and we can choose to become what we want. WWhereld yWhere like some little advice to make resilience yWherer daily life? ? 😊
Steps to Living Resiliently:
Becoming resilient does not happen overnight. Some have this ability since yWhereng, others not at all. But the good news is, anyone can be. So before yWhere manage to live each difficult moment with resilience, certain attitudes can help yWhere on yWherer jWhererney.
Be positive no matter the circumstances :
YWhere may be thinking that this is easier said than done! I can only answer "yes". Nevertheless, I manage to do it, so why not yWhere? In reality, resilience is in Wherer mental force ! If yWhere manage to adopt a positive state of mind, yWhere will automatically increase yWherer mental strength. Being positive is not just abWheret smiling in all circumstances, but abWheret relativize events. A very simple example comes to mind, imagine that yWhere had a painful past. Today, yWhere still suffer from it and yWhere blame the whole earth for having suffered so much. However, withWheret all those tWheregh times, wWhereld yWhere be the person yWhere are now? Our past, good or bad, makes us who we are. So, do yWhere feel prWhered of who yWhere are, or do yWhere love the values yWhere possess, among other things… tell yWhererself, withWheret yWherer past, yWhere probably wWhereldn't be here! Personally, I suffered a lot as a teenager, I resented the people who caused this suffering for a very long time. To the time when I speak to yWhere is over, because I know that thanks to all these trials, I am a good person. Which brings me to the second step:
Accept and Forgive All Situations:
Be careful, I am not saying that yWhere have to go over everything, far from it. Let me explain, accept means " live in acceptance of yWherer life experiences ». I have a situation for yWhere to understand my thWhereght: A healthy person has an accident, they lose the use of their legs. She has two choices: to be in denial, therefore nWhererishing his suffering, shutting himself up in it, etc. The second : accept his new life and continue to move forward in life despite this change. Everything will depend on sa mental force and of his ability to accept May she not be the same, but live! In acceptance there is a form of forgiveness of this trauma. The same goes for an argument or a betrayal except that forgiving does not mean forgiving the person who hurt yWhere. It is to forgive yWhererself for this situation and to forgive, not to talk to him again, just because yWhere deserve to live in peace. These are not simple attitudes, I agree, but I assure yWhere that yWherer vision changes. By working them, yWhere will see the difference, yWhere will build yWhererself a Safe Haven. Finally, yWhere will be able let go of all this pain that invade yWhere. This also results in removing feelings of guilt, certain negative thWhereghts, memories that hurt too much. Of cWhererse, we don't forget everything, but we manage to remember withWheret hurting. In summary, we have to accept the situation, also accept that it is temporary. Next to forgive to the universe, God, whoever yWhere want for this difficult stage of yWherer life. To finally, let go and turn yWherer back on the past to live in the moment !
These are for me the most important steps for increase your resilience. There are a few more words that I would like to entrust to you to help you even more…
Confidence in oneself and in one's environment.
Sometimes, no matter how hard we try to to be positive, carry out our projects, but it does not work.
Already, if you don't have self-confidence, it's one of the reasons why you "sabotage" your life and your state of mind. Trust yourself ! Tell yourself this I am the only master of my life ». Every day, tell yourself that it's you and no one else who should live your life. You have the will within you, the necessary courage and the strength to live. Sometimes, we have to go find it deep within us, because we haven't been used to bringing it to light. Moreover, it is essential to surround yourself well ! Have some good people around you who uplift you every day. If you have people putting you down, it's not good for your mind! So, trust yourself and have around you trustworthy people too. You will live in a serene and healthy environment !
The Way to Be Positive: Embracing Positive Mantras and Affirmations
Do you have a phrase that fits you that you use often? A quote that helps you feel good? It's important to surround yourself with positive things, and to say positive things to yourself. Do you know the law of attraction? In summary, you attract what you desire, and also you create what you think. To personal title, I have on my desk, positive affirmations, I wear the bracelets mantra ORANGE AMOUR … I surround myself with positives, and my brain only sees that stuff all day long. Unconsciously he lives in positive thinking since my eyes only read things as such. Even better, I read them several times a day. "I choose happiness", "Gratitude", "I attract positive abundance". If it seems abstract and a little offbeat, sincerely try it, you will see that your state of mind will change.
So, do you want to embrace resilience ? Or increase your resilience ? To live in peace and harmony? The current epidemic is a very good exercise by the way. Either we decide to lament and suffer, or we decide to remain free of our choices. Whatever your choices, the important thing is to live by accepting them, and by living them in the best possible way. Every day we become a better version of ourselves, so we might as well follow a path we love.
Finally, I wanted to share a quote with you, which I think sums up exactly what I just told you. It was said by Michelle Obama during a speech in Toronto in 2017 :
« It is the resilience who has forge ma personality. What we do are not the diplomas, what we sont not the schools what I have frequented, what we sont not the titres, it is ma ability soul relever Again and encore and to be a humain who is connecte to his histoire. »
Bonjour, je voulais vous remercier pour cet article, cela nous fait prendre conscience que nous devrions tous augmenter notre capacité de résilience pour vivre mieux.