Forgiveness, knowing how to forgive oneself and others.
Everyone already has granted his forgiveness Or request forgiveness in his life. Sometimes this term is used for much of excuses, even of force to be in peace. In truth, it is an important word and deed, which can be used for many reasons. Moreover, it is a term that remains vague, forgiveness is more than an act in itself. It's a certain philosophy to adopt on a daily basis. Indeed, there is the act of forgiving a person , but also a situation. In this article, we will review the term forgiveness in its generality , and why is it associated with inner peace . We will also see the different keys to achieving forgiveness. You will have another vision of this profound act which may have been biased by the beliefs of your childhood.
How do you define forgiveness?
In the dictionary, forgiveness is defined religiously by the absolution of sins during a confession with a priest. In a broader sense, asking for forgiveness is a polite form of apology . Granting forgiveness is a way of not holding back a fault committed .
However, forgiving does not mean forgetting or being indifferent. On the contrary, the forgiveness is very powerful , as deep as the feeling of gratitude for example. When we forgive we just become neutral in some ways. This does not mean that we condone, or that we will reconcile. It's just a way of to liberate oneself , because we deserve to live in peace . Do you see the full nuance?
Finally, granting forgiveness is a analysis and questioning on the follow-up to be given to this pardon. On the other hand, asking for forgiveness is a act of love towards oneself and towards others . It is a way of admitting that we are not infallible. Moreover, we make mistakes, but we also recognize and assume them.
Forgive to free yourself and your heart.
Whether in the spirituality , the psychology or even religion , forgiving is liberating ! Indeed, we all have events or people who have hurt us. If we keep the emotions relating to these moments, the wounds remain and deepen more and more.
By triggering a forgiveness process , we will heal gradually our heart , and ourselves . We cleanse and heal these wounds . So, yes, the scar remains visible, however, it will no longer be painful. It will no longer have any impact on us, which will restore a feeling of tenderness and love .
Reading these lines, some of you say to yourself that these hurtful events are indifferent to you. In reality, it's wrong, it's just a unconscious disconnection . To put it simply, if you cut ties with the offending people, you cut what you could live with them. Nevertheless, a forgiving heart is a heart capable of loving again . So when you forgive mistakes , you simply choose to free yourself from negative emotions .
It's a emotional state in fact, you can simply say to yourself, "I forgive such a person for putting me through such a situation." As you repeat this sentence to yourself in an emotional state filled with love, you will feel the change. The act of forgiveness will be transmitted to your heart, you can continue on your way. You can even, remember harmonious and happy moments that you could have lived with this same person. It is in this sense that the heart is able to love again, without necessarily reconnecting with her.
What are the keys to the stages of forgiveness?
There are events without too many consequences that are easily forgiven. Then there are the others… A toxic relationship, an abusive parent, a serious accident, etc. Here, forgiveness is longer , more complicated. A bit like a grieving process , there is different steps to pass before arriving at liberating point . Here, the goal is not to quote the points step by step, because according to books of psychology, there is not the same number of steps. Then, we are not in therapy after all 😊. We will therefore take a look at the keys which will help to approach forgiveness more serenely.
- Accept being injured and no longer suffer from the situation:
Making this decision tends to get out of the negative spiral that the situation brings to us. By accepting to have been hurt, we admit fault And let's take a step Already. Closing your face won't solve the problem, being hurt does not mean being weak . On the contrary, You have to be strong to admit your hurts . Then, we must put an end to the suffering as it is. If it's a person around us who hurts us deeply, distance is a good way to get away. Even if it is only temporary after an argument for example. A time of healing is necessary before forgiveness .
- Take care of yourself :
On several points, forgiveness is a way of taking care of ourselves:
THE negative feelings as the grudge , the anger or the sadness become harmful for our being and our morale. Our positive energies are at half mast, evil eats away at us. In reality, the Inner tensions weaken us . It is therefore necessary to understand our feelings, to talk about them, to get help if necessary. It is an act of love towards oneself than heal their emotional wounds .
- Express your emotions:
There communication is essential in every situation, including to relieve what one feels. We must express our anger and sadness , externalize is good therapy.
- Forgive for the right reasons:
Furthermore, we have to forgive when we feel it. Whether we just forgive by ego or by force , the effects will not be positive in us. Let's take our time if necessary, and make sure that our forgiveness will be sincere . To really feel it allows you to be really appeased afterwards. Otherwise, resentment, resentment and all the bad feelings will always be rooted in us.
As you will have understood, forgiveness is an important act for you as for others. It is also soul therapy for our emotional wounds. Forgive or ask for forgiveness is a courageous act , but above all filled with love . We could talk about forgiveness and its process for hours. All the power of this word is proven in several books, articles, etc. Let's reset our hurt by forgiving, just because we deserve the inner peace .
Quote :
“Without forgiveness, life is ruled by an endless course of resentment and revenge.”
Roberto Assagioli