The flower of life – sacred geometry
Do you know this flower with amazing powers ? This flower which has a regenerating effect on the body and the mind : THE FLOWER OF LIFE . Much more than a flower, it is a sacred geometric shape widely used in lithotherapy and spirituality . Do you want to know more about this little wonder?
Stay with us, the Flower of Life will have no more secrets for you at the end of this article.
We will start by giving you its meaning , what are its benefits and how to use it.
Let's go !
Flower of life: its origins and history
We could not tell you the exact date of the appearance of this sacred symbol . The only thing that is known is that a representation of the Flower of Life was found in the Temple of Osiris , in Egypt. That's more than 5,000 years ago !
It has been found at several times in history on monuments: Pyramid in Central America, churches in Europe, temples and monasteries in India, Japan and China.
Several cultures around the world symbolize it as a sacred element endowed with a very powerful energy . The energy of the Flower of Life would be transmitted to the monuments on which it is inscribed. Places of worship are symbols of spirituality, faith and prayers, which explains why it is often found.
Later, Leonardo da Vinci delved into the subject . He studied in depth the properties of the Flower of Life . He even made a lot of designs with flower of life elements. Moreover, he defined his symbolism scientifically and philosophically . Extracts from his writings and drawings have been found.
Image source: Wikipedia
Flower of life: its meaning
General meaning of the flower of life
The Flower of Life has many meanings through arts, history, philosophy, architecture, spirituality, etc.
The essential point concerns its sacred geometry . The flower of life is in fact.
For example, the first circle is interpreted as the source, God, the center of the universe . For each addition of an element, there is a representation.
In summary, the Flower of Life holds universal meanings , such as creation , connection between beings and energy . We can also see atoms, planets, human DNA, etc.
Moreover, it has been broken down to trace all the stages it forms:
- The seed of life (first 7 circles): the first 7 days of the creation of life in the Judeo-Christian religion. Symbol of fertility and blessing
- The fruit of life (13 circles extracted from the flower of life): the spine of the flower of life which represents the conception of all forms of life.
- The egg of life (7 circles): the shape of a 3-day-old embryo with 8 cells
- The tree of life (representation below): very powerful symbol that refers to the chakras.
There are others, the Flower of Life has been scrutinized by a lot of people. It has always fascinated minds since the dawn of time.
Spiritual and Energetic Meaning of the Flower of Life
The first very important thing to know is that the flower of life has an exceptionally high vibratory rate . In appearance, it is similar to a rose that we could have made as a child. But the more we look at it, the more complex it seems to us .
In reality, it is made up of 19 circles and 36 arcs . Intertwining, juxtaposition, a form that could be continued ad infinitum.
The Flower of Life represents regeneration , metamorphosis and creation . It defines the life cycle and its growth . It is seen as a matrix force .
It wards off all bad energies . By wearing it, you will be like in a sacred bubble .
In addition, if you have minerals , you can purify them and recharge them on the flower of life . Its intense vibratory rate has a hyper positive impact on stones, just like solid things. Placed in a room, it acts on the energies of the latter, as well as on the people around it.
The benefits of the flower of life
Here is a list of the main benefits of the flower of life :
- Help with meditation
- Watch over your health
- Harmonize a room
- Purifies and recharges stones and crystals
- Calms the mind
- Purifies and recharges energies
- Purifies and energizes water
- Relieves stress
- Increases the effectiveness of essential oils
- Purifies, revitalizes and helps preserve food
- Facilitates falling asleep and sleeping*
*The only advice we can give you is that for some people, it is better to avoid sleeping in a room with a flower of life . Its great energy can unbalance sleep or falling asleep. You can try, it will have a beneficial effect on some and not on others. This little advice comes from a professional , we share it with you, so that you are warned.
How to use your flower of life?
Here are our personalized tips for using your flowers of life:
- As a jewel: do not hesitate to wear it every day, if you have a stressful job, it will help you for example. In addition, she is beautiful, you will be envious!
- In subject: at home, you can drop it off in the common rooms. It will capture the energies of everyone, which will facilitate communication and exchanges. It will also purify bad energies during a conflict.
- Refill for your minerals: in lithotherapy, it is very often used. Instead of waiting for the full moon, you can purify and recharge your crystals each evening on the flower of life.
- Meditation: During a meditation session, the flower of life can also help you regenerate. It is a good support to meditate in all serenity.
Here, you already have a good knowledge base on the flower of life . We could have explained all the symbols found inside, but there are a multitude of them. You have the main ones that already show you the power of this sacred geometric shape . We hope you enjoyed this article. If you want to give yourself a flower of life , we have what you need. She is just beautiful, go see her. Otherwise, to harmonize your home, know that printable flowers of life can be found on the net. Just be careful that it's the exact right shape. Thank you for reading and see you soon for a new topic. If you want us to talk about something in particular, we welcome your opinions. Leave us a comment. 😊
Could the flower if life work well as a tattoo or would you recommend using it as a jewel first, in case its energy is too vibrational for the user’s sleep or their partner’s sleep? Also, are there ways to counter-act the potential difficulty in sleeping and still have the flower of life present…like for instance, as a tattoo?
I have found the Truth
I feel the joy of the reality
My God you are Allmighty
The source of all live 🙏
Thnks alot,great stuff.i would like updates on this kind of issues.And would like to ask where da flower of life can be found
Bonjour, très bon article sur un sujet très intéressant et trop meconnu. Il y a une chaine youtube qui fait des vidéos sur la fleur de vie: Fleurs d’Evy