What if to be happy I changed my way of thinking?
Happiness. Broad topic. Everyone thinks about it and seeks to achieve this ultimate goal. You, me, your loved ones, your colleagues, the modest people, the wealthy people, the small, the tall, the thin, the eccentric, the shy, the young and the old invest themselves in this quest for happiness.
But many are mistaken and lost in this quest. Being happy is not a goal or a destination, but a way of being and thinking.
“ Happiness is a state of mind. It's about how you look at things. » - Walt Disney.
Positive emotions and a state of mind, peaceful, serene and open, are a way of looking at things that allows you to be fully happy and fulfilled. It's your way of thinking that shapes your own daily happiness.
Positive thoughts and the law of attraction
We can see the glass half or half empty. So, easy, you say, to see things like this when everything is going well. But when you combine personal worries, financial problems, family conflicts or even pressure at work, it is difficult to remain positive and optimistic. However, your way of thinking plays an essential role and has a direct impact on your actions.
"What you think, you become, what you feel, you attract, what you imagine, you create. -Buddha
Like a magnet, your positive way of thinking and seeing the world attracts positive encounters and events. You are open to others and smiling, so you are in good conditions for happiness to multiply around you. You sow small seeds of joy, love, laughter, tenderness, solidarity, benevolence and you reap infinite happiness.
If you only see the problems, how can you see the solutions? If you are permanently closed, angry or sad, how can you see an outstretched hand, detect a great opportunity, enrich yourself with a nice encounter or appreciate a moment of sharing? The positive attracts the positive and the negative brings with it the negative. You have to be fully aware of that. This is called the law of attraction. Your thoughts are precious. They define who you are and they have a significant impact on your actions and the events you trigger around you.
Focus on yourself and learn to love yourself again
Consciously or not, you may tend to devalue yourself, even denigrate yourself. I'm incapable of doing this, I'll never be able to do that, I'm not pretty, I don't have any charisma, I don't know how to do such and such a thing…etc.
For the same reasons we saw earlier, such a devaluing image and such negative thoughts are harmful to your personal fulfillment and your path to happiness.
If you yourself don't feel capable of it, how could others believe in you? If you don't believe in yourself, you convince yourself that you won't make it…and you really don't.
Learn to be fairer, more conciliatory, more understanding and gentler with yourself. No one is perfect, neither you nor the others. It's good to give the best of yourself and sometimes to be demanding. But don't go to extremes. Anyone can fail, the one mistake you shouldn't make is give up. But a failure is not an end in itself, on the contrary, it is an opportunity to start over with a new experience.
Don't hesitate to compliment and reassure yourself. Tell yourself that your presence is a gift for many people around you. Do not fix your faults or your fears, but visualize your qualities and your dreams. Make all his qualities a strength.
Gratitude, a habit to adopt on a daily basis
To feel happiness, you have to learn to see it as it is. It's the little moments of today that become precious memories for tomorrow. So, we have to cultivate them and nurture them, these little moments that are so precious. It's up to you to consider how much that giggle with your best friend was a moment of pure happiness, to see that your children are playing in the garden and inventing 1000 worlds is a blessing, that your little walk in the forest, alone with your dog, was soothing and rejuvenating or that wonderful custard puff was a taste of heaven.
It's all a matter of vision and way of thinking 😉 !
Get into the habit, every day, of finding a good reason to be happy and to thank the universe for this wonderful moment. You will thus allow your spirit over time to see happiness wherever it goes and to feel it fully.